The evaluation was undertaken to demonstrate how the project has achieved its intended objectives and determine what change it has brought.

Maarifa Consult in May 2018 was contracted to conduct an end of project evaluation for a project titled “Saving lives and built resilient communities in Upper Nile, Jonglei and Eastern Equatoria states of South Sudan” The Project is implemented by DCA in South Sudan and funded by Danida.

This project was designed in response to the dire food insecurity situation triggered by conflict, macroeconomic pressures, and market shocks that have continued to contribute to the reduced access to food and income compared.

The project aimed at saving lives and building resilience among conflict affected and severe food insure households in the target counties in three greater states of Upper Nile, Jonglei and Eastern Equatoria states of South Sudan through three main specific objectives of improving food security through increased purchasing power, improving livelihoods opportunities through increased access to productive assets and capacity and improving local markets capacities and functionality to support basic needs among IDPs, returnees and host communities.

These objectives were intended to be achieved through a combined approach of distribution of unconditional cash to households in critical need of food and provision of productive inputs to support self-reliance and resilience in combination with support to local markets and traders.

DanChurchAid (DCA)-is a decentralized Danish NGO, which primarily works with both national and international NGO partners and a member of international networks / alliances including churches. DCA commissioned an independent end of project evaluation of its project titled. “Saving lives and built resilient communities in Upper Nile, Jonglei and Eastern Equatorial states of South Sudan”.

The evaluation was undertaken to demonstrate how the project has achieved its intended objectives and determine what change it has brought to the target communities. In addition, the evaluation findings enabled DCA and partners and its donors to meet their focus on innovative and effective humanitarian response as included in this project efficiency in relation to delivery of its outcome.